About this item Made from specially tanned and finished European leather, the outside feels soft to the touch and develops a natural patina over time. The sleeve fits snugly around the curves of your iPhone and protects it from scratches and drops, without adding bulk. Inside, there’s a pocket for your credit card or ID, and it comes with a matching strap so that you can keep it close at hand, wherever you go. When it’s time to charge, just snap on your MagSafe charger and a fast wireless charge begins on contact. This sleeve is made with high-quality, supple leather to protect your iPhone.
Holger –
Absolut nicht zu gebrauchen
Die MagSafe Funktion ist nach 30 tagen futsch…zweite Hülle…keine weitere.
One person found this helpful
Cliente Amazon –
Si poteva fare di meglio
Custodia di ottima fattura e buona protezione, ma semplicemente inutile in quanto non puoi rispondere quando il telefono è all’interno della custodia, inoltre attenzione ad eventuali cadute quando si sfila dalla custodia. Bella idea ma si poteva fare assolutamente di meglio
Hugo –
No es lo que esperaba faltaba más imágenes aclaratorias
No es lo que esperaba, con las imágenes pensaba que era de una forma y luego no fue asi
wingilot –
Uno de los peores productos de Apple, y con diferencia
Es la funda más incomoda que he visto nunca. Cuesta un montón poner el móvil bien en la funda, y sacarlo cuesta el triple. Y lo de que cuesta sacarlo un mundo es crucial, pues el móvil no se puede usar mientras esta en la funda. Como te llamen, para cuando has conseguido sacar el móvil de la funda ya han colgado, y como estes enviando whatsapps o algo, olvídate de estar guardándolo y sacándolo, al final lo dejarás fuera para poder usarlo y tendrás el móvil sin funda. Olvídate de hacer fotos con la funda puesta, y como quieras hacer una foto rápidamente, para cuando sacas el movil de la funda ya hace tiempo que perdiste la oportunidad de hacer la foto.La cinta que va enganchada a la funda tampoco es demasiado cómoda, y no va muy bien para llevarla sujeta. además en la correa del que compré yo, la piel estaba como ondulada por algún defecto.La funda estaria de lujo si no fuera por todas esas desventajas que he comentado, que no son pocas, pero es uno de los peores productos que apple ha sacado. Con razón esta funda ya no la sacaron para el siguiente modelo de iPhone.
One person found this helpful
Luca Polo –
Ottima pelle, ben fatta e protezione top
Mario –
Tolle Qualität und Funktionalität
Nachdem ich schon ein blaues bestellt hatte und leider ein Plakiat erhalten habe, habe ich mich nochmal getraut bei Amazon so ein Case zu bestellen. Dieses ist jetzt zum Glück ein Originales von Apple, die Qualität und Funktionalität ist Top.Der Preis ist zwar viel zu hoch, aber das ist man bei Apple Produkten schon gewohnt. Entweder man zahlt und will es haben, oder man lässt es sein und sucht sich alternativen.Ich habe jetzt mit für das 12 Pro Max und Mini alle Farben gekauft um jeden Tag die Lederhülle zu wechseln. Ja ich weiß, hat mich ein Vermögen gekostet. Ist aber meine Leidenschaft und andere haben auch teure Hobbys.
Thomas –
Nutzen ?
Die MagSafe-Animation klappt mit dieser Hülle erwartungsgemäß hervorragend. Einen anderen Nutzen habe ich in dieser Hülle nicht gefunden.Selbstverständlich schützt sie das Handy, wenn es in der Hülle mal runter fällt, was aber dank der langen Halteschlaufe sicher kaum möglich ist. Die lange Schlaufe ermöglicht leider nicht, das Handy schnell und bequem aus der Hülle zu ziehen, indem das Band um das Gerät gelegt wird.Beim herausziehen habe ich befürchtet, dass mir das iPhone aus der Hand rutscht, weil es nur mittels ziehen mit den Fingerspitzen gegriffen werden kann. Dabei habe ich immer befürchtet, dass mir das Handy (dann ohne Hülle) ungeschützt runter fällt.Die Unterbringung von 1-2 Kreditkarten innerhalb der Hülle ist für deutsche Verhältnisse nicht ausreichend, selbst wenn weitgehend alle Kundenkarten im iPhone gespeichert werden. Fahrzeug- und Führerschein erfordern hierzulande immer noch größere Brieftaschen.
11 people found this helpful
Stefano –
Bella, di qualità ma…..
Sicuramente all’altezza del marchio per quanto riguarda qualità però rimane scomoda nell’utilizzo e per un iPhone grande come il pro max questa custodia è molto molto ingombrante. Poi il prezzo non gioca a favore. Resa e presa una cover in silicone
4 people found this helpful
D. R. –
Top quality but expensive
As most Apple product, this is a top quality product. It is however very expensive and I don’t think it is worth that much, you are paying a big premium for that Apple logo. It is however working real well with their MagSafe charger and the fact that the display adjusts to the colour of your sleeve is a nice little touch.
4 people found this helpful
GP_GP_ –
Me llegó para el 12 pro
Me llegó para el 12 pro y la descripción dice 12 pro Max, por lo tanto no le quedó a mi cel
Holger –
Magsafe funktioniert nur bedingt
Die Hülle gefällt mir vom Material wirklich sehr gut. Auch das Design und die Haptik lassen keine Wünsche offen. Was leider absolut nervig ist, dass die magsafe Funktion, also die Animation mein einstecken des Handys und somit das erkennen der Hülle, regelmäßig nicht funktioniert und nur durch einen Neustart des Handys behoben werden kann.
Alfonso Castle –
Excelente Compra
Producto original, me encantó la compra, top y original
Randy U. –
Calidad absoluta!
Definitivamente vale cada centavo de lo que cuesta.
Irma Sarricolea –
Definitivamente debe ser utilizado en un iPhone 12 Pro Max, hasta se escucha cuando se conecta al mag safe
Dario –
Affare TOP!
Ho beccato questa sleeve dal costo di listino di € 150 a soli 26. Per il prezzo a cui è scesa non potevo non prenderla anche solo per lo sfizio di averla nella mia collezione. Prodotto assolutamente originale e di ottima qualità.
Monika S. –
Das Etui ist nicht nur schön, sondern auch sehr praktisch.
burxes –
Buen protector
La funda protege muy bien el teléfono, queda como un guante, el teléfono la detecta perfectamente y modifica la posición del reloj en la pantalla. El MagSafe funciona bien.No le he sabido ver la utilidad porque cada vez que te llaman has de sacar el teléfono cosa que no es especialmente rápida a no ser que lo tengas configurado con unos auriculares que te permitan descolgar la llamada sin tocar la pantalla. Lo mismo pasa con la alarma.El tamaño una vez el teléfono está dentro es masivo. En un iPhone 12 Pro Max es tamaño iPad mini 😬La calidad muy buena, la funcionalidad no la veo.
Jose Fernando –
Producto equivocado
Le doy tres estrellas debido a que si es el producto y su calidad es buena, pero en cuanto al tamaño está erróneo, mencionan que es para un 12 pro Max pero no le queda al teléfono
Carlos Corzo –
Excelente Funda para mi iphone 14 Pro Max
Tenia mis dudas si le quedaba a mi iphone 14 Pro Max, me arriesgue y le queda bien, pense que por el modulo de camaras no se ajustaria pero como es piel tiende a aflojar y el fit es casi perfecto
7 people found this helpful
Eleonora –
L’ho presa entusiasta del prezzo basso, ma è scomoda da usare. Non la ricomprerei.
Juan Luis Hernandez Ortiz –
Excelente producto pero…
Yo la compré para el iPhone 13 pro Max aunque yo se que es para el 12 pro Max, no es compatible con el 13 pro Max para que sepan yo la compré porque me gustó el tipo de funda y traigo mi iPhone sin mica y sin funda de plástico por eso, al principio se batalla para que entre y salga el equipo por el tipo de material yo recomiendo meterlo y sacarlo muchas veces y con 2 tarjetas puestas en la funda también para que se adapte bien.Le doy 3 estrellas porque aunque fuera para otro modelo este debería de compatible para un teléfono de las mismas características y más si no van a sacar uno nuevo.Calidad precio es caro aunque si lo pescas en oferta así como yo pues cómpralo si lo que buscas es traer tu iPhone sin mica y sin funda de plástico.El material es muy bueno y se siente la calidad de la piel.Esa es mi experiencia metiéndolo en un iPhone 13 Pro Max
7 people found this helpful
D.B. SpaldingD.B. Spalding –
3.0 out of 5 stars
Nice slip case for a 12/13/14 Max or Plus, but that’s mostly all you get
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I may be biased, but I think Apple took an idea from Dodocase (Durables canvas and leather sleeve) and decided to up the ante with MagSafe and a customized display like other manufacturers (HTC, LG) have done in the past. This sleeve certainly will help to protect an iPhone inside it; it will hold 1-2 cards (the jury’s out on if I can fit three flat, non-embossed cards into the slot; I can’t when the Sleeve is new). Frankly, this is a way to store your iPhone in purse or messenger bag, or car storage compartment, without checking it frequently. Sliding the iPhone in and out repeatedly will become a chore.Sleeker than a Dodocase Durables and providing roughly the same functionality, the Apple Leather Sleeve is an idea that Apple should’ve left in the oven a bit longer. The concept of a customized display when a phone is in a cover isn’t new, but Apple certainly has the bright minds who could’ve made the most of it. Some examples … answering a call with AirPods or EarPods could’ve shown the current caller, AND THE BATTERY LEVEL OF THE EARPODS. Attaching a MagSafe Battery Pack could’ve shown the phone charge level and the Battery Pack’s level, IN the little window (vice lower on the screen). Music playback controls … essential Control Center buttons…. So many missed opportunities; 9to5Mac’s Parker Ortolani wrote an article with a number of ingenious options.The MagSafe area of the Sleeve only has the circle for attaching a charger … it is missing the bottom line to make a “keyhole” shape. I suspect this was to discourage users from attaching wallets and other things to the sleeve that could be knocked off. I can confirm that the Apple Leather MagSafe Wallet does not grip very well to the Sleeve. Don’t try that. It WILL fall off.According to the latest iPhone User Guide, you may be able to pay an Express Transit toll with a card in the card sleeve just by putting the Sleeve down on a reading device. I can’t test that. There is no way to pay with Apple’s Wallet app with an iPhone in the Sleeve; you’ll have to use an Apple Watch.You can charge the iPhone within using MagSafe, or a wired connection at the bottom as you would normally. I can’t speak to charging speed through the MagSafe connection, but presume it’s on par with charging through an Apple Leather Case with MagSafe.PROSThe card slot can hold an ID and must-have credit card.With a 14 Plus in it, yes the Sleeve is big but it is comfortable in the hand.MagSafe (circle only) allows charging in the Sleeve.Doesn’t seem to hang up phone calls when the phone is re-inserted.You CAN insert a 14 Plus with a “tempered glass” style screen protector in place. (I don’t know what other reviewers had installed that they couldn’t.) The 14 Plus is 1mm thicker than the 12 Pro Max, too.CONSEither later iPhones, or iOS 15, 16 will not adapt to the Sleeve and customize the display.No, you cannot attach a Wallet or similar to the Sleeve. The MagSafe has only the circle for a charger.Only holds two IDs/cards when new.Must have EarPods or an Apple Watch, or other hands-free way to answer calls. Sliding out to answer is cumbersome. OTOH it doesn’t seem to hang up when I insert the iPhone 14 into the Sleeve.USE CASEClearly this is intended for someone who does not need to access the screen frequently, and probably uses AirPods/EarPods or other hands-free audio device to answer calls and initiate Siri inquiries. Someone with an Apple watch to preview iMessage received texts and access other Watch-compatible apps will benefit from this case.Pics: (1) the 14 Plus’ camera cluster is smaller than the 12 Pro Max, so a 14 Plus fits fine. (2) the 13 Max, 14 Plus, and 14 Pro Max are almost exactly the same size as the 12 Pro Max, so the entire iPhones will fit. (3) iOS 16.5 on a 14 Plus does not “recognize” and “adapt” to the sleeve as the iPhone 12s did. The display does not customize to use the little window when inserting, taking a phone call, or adding a MagSafe charger. The lock screen clock display sort of works, but does not change color to match the sleeve. I have the Apple Leather MagSafe Wallet shipping insert in the card slot to illustrate how snug a fit the card compartment is. I can only get two flat credit cards/IDs in it without having to work very hard to remove them. This is NOT a wallet; use the Sleeve to care only your photo ID and a must-have, all-purpose card. Use Apple Pay for everything else.
16 people found this helpful
Mario Galeana –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Great price
Always wanted this case when I first got my 12pro Max but it was too expensive. Fast forward a couple of years and the price was just right at $10.00 must have been an error or something but it worked out for me… thanks Amazon….
cuisheng@AWS –
3.0 out of 5 stars
Not very practical to use
Not very practical to use
2 people found this helpful
Michael Paul Davis –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Great quality
Such premium leather and it looks amazing, the price is greatttttt bc usually these case are almost 150.00
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Josh M –
3.0 out of 5 stars
Way too expensive for what it is
Way too expensive for what it is. Not convenient in execution (always have to take phone out, can’t answer in case). Integrated card slot just doesn’t work for me as it’s very difficult to access cards once they’re in there (just about always have to take out the phone before being able to take out the card). Doesn’t feel as premium as one would expect. I bought discounted and still consider it a bad purchase. Wish they had kept the folio case they had on previous models. Those, while the same price, were much functional and useful to me. Kudos for trying something different, but not worth it.
5 people found this helpful
Isezno –
5.0 out of 5 stars
At full price, this is not something I would ever buy. I caught it on sale and paid less then half price for it. In that sense, it’s a great deal but something I just use when I’m going out and don’t want to carry a bunch of separate items. This way I have my phone, ID, and a card or cash with me. Easy to keep track of and I stylish. Very pleased.
6 people found this helpful
SteveF –
2.0 out of 5 stars
Almost pointless
I wanted to like this. However, at least for the 12 Pro Max, I found it to be completely useless. Apple’s latest leather isn’t wearing very well. It doesn’t patina, but rather just gets sticky and loses it’s color and just looks terrible. That being said, I didn’t have this item long enough to find out since it was clear the second it came out of the package that it was going back. It’s enormous (for the 12 Pro Max, anyway) so it’s hard to handle. The phone is difficult to insert and remove. Cards are difficult to insert and remove. You can’t answer calls or do anything with the phone when it’s in the case. I have no idea what the point of this item is… I was hoping it would be a secure way to transport my phone from place to place when I wanted the phone to go naked. However, since you can’t even take a phone call with it on, it renders the phone useless. Combine that with the fact that it is so hard to get the phone out that incoming calls hang up before you can answer them… and well, it was just pointless.
10 people found this helpful
Samuel G –
3.0 out of 5 stars
It was “alright”
The apple case is “alright” it is pretty cool that the clock turns brown but its an INCONVENIENCE to have to pull it out every single time! I tried it for a week and I couldn’t get used to it. To respond or play music or anything sucks, I wouldn’t recommend it even with if you’re like me and have an Apple Watch.
2 people found this helpful
Richard J. –
3.0 out of 5 stars
Doesn’t work with the 13.
I understand it says it’s for the 12 but Apple has yet to announce a 13 version of this product so I contacted Apple Support and they assured me it would work with my 13 Pro Max. I purchased and it came quickly, but it does not work! Oh well, hopefully they decide to make a 13 version soon.
8 people found this helpful
I3lack –
2.0 out of 5 stars
First apple iPhone product that I did not like!
Didn’t like it. Oversized and in case you installed any kind of screen or backside protection it will no fit and will slip.
4 people found this helpful
Max –
1.0 out of 5 stars
used not new
it’s absolutely used while I purchased it in new condition!
Rajeeb Sharma –
1.0 out of 5 stars
Pricey and not good
very difficult to use the phone
4 people found this helpful
Malik –
3.0 out of 5 stars
This case is great, but it suits a very narrow section of iPhone users.
I’ve been using this case for about half a year now. It’s great, but I could only recommend it to users who have either an Apple Watch or Air Pods. You cannot answer calls or really operate the phone directly at all with this case on, and it fits snug so removing every time a call comes in or to just change a song or something simple is very inconvenient.I purchased this because I like using my phone without a case, but still need protection when in transit. I frequently use a DJI OM 5 gimbal and the clamp doesn’t work when you have a case on your phone, so this was the compromise for me. The quality of leather is good and after sometime, the phone will slide in and out easily while still feeling secure. But it also adds a lot of bulk to your phone, especially if you’re using a Max model.
One person found this helpful
Amazon Customer –
1.0 out of 5 stars
If you pay $100 for this you are fooling yourself
I hope no one is foolish enough to pay $100+ dollars for a product that might as well be the brain child of a 5 year old, executed with the simplest materials you can find. For the love of god just buy a 3rd party version of the same thing.
Chrestiena Dranicyna –
4.0 out of 5 stars
Good case
Great color, nice quality, but hard to use everyday.
Specks –
2.0 out of 5 stars
Waste of money
No clue why I even bought this, but it’s a waste. The phone fits so tightly that you will need ear buds or whatever to answer calls and/or texts because the phone is not avail for immediate use as it would be with regular phone case.
One person found this helpful
HugoHugo –
Muy bonita pero poco práctica.
La funda se ve muy bonita y se siente bien al tacto, la uso sobre todo durante la noche para guardar mi iPhone, por el tamaño es incómodo llevarla en el pantalón y cárgala en la calle con la correa me daría algo de pena, quizás para una mujer sea más práctico usarla todo el día dentro de una bolsa o llevarla de la correa.Para usarla diario y en todo momento podría ser útil para alguien que no utilice mucho su iPhone, ya que sacarla y meterla sería engorroso.Le quedó bien a un iPhone 13 Pro Max, aunque no es compatible con la función del reloj en la pestaña pequeña.
Luca Polo –
Molto bella
Valida e di qualità, rispecchia la qualità Apple. Protegge benissimo
Violeta –
Muy buena
Parece grande pero yo la veo práctica, el móvil lo saco sin problema y el móvil va bastante protegido junto con la cámara
Arturo francisco gomez garduño –
James S. –
Fits iPhone 13 pro max
Had to squeeze the case opposing way one time only .Now iPhone 13 pro max fits perfectlyAnd it was half price!!!
One person found this helpful
Pascal MANOLIS –
Étui pas très pratique
Étui inutileVraiment très cher pour son utilité
Gabriel Guerrero –
Precio bien, artículo inútil
Esta tirado de precio en amazon, el problema es que el producto en sí es poco práctico. Cuesta usar el iPhone en el día a día. Ocupa espacio, y el bloqueo de pantalla para ajustar el reloj a la abertura frontal de la funda produce un error en el sistema operativo que no permite que se ejecuten los iconos al tocarlos con el dedo.
DayverDayver –
Un pequeño detalle es que no llego mi tamaño pro max , si no en pro
No llego mi tamaño correcto
Martin0662 –
Passt auch beim iPhone 14 pro max ziemlich gut
Die Apple Lederhülle hatte ich schon beim iPhone 12 pro max, jetzt beim 14er habe ich mir eine neue gegönnt. Anfangs ist sie immer etwas eng, das gibt sich aber weil Leder nach wenigen Tagen. Spitzen Qualität und schützt sehr gut. Die Passgeauigkeit beim 14er ist gut.
4 people found this helpful
Farkas Gabor –
Manoj Khatri –
Product is Very Nice But No Use
Product Acha hai but Kaam Ka Nahi Hai Call Pick nhi kar sakte mesej nhi dekh sakte sirf cover k use ka hai or kuch nhi kaam aayega or cover me dalne or nikalne me bhi bhut tite hai mobile girne ka chance bhi jyada hai isme
constantin –
no se puede atender la llamada con ella puesta
El producto en términos de apariencia y materiales es bueno, el problema que le veo y que de solucionarse dispararía las ventas es que no permite atender llamadas con la funda puesta, creo que la solución no sería compleja, bastaría con implementar vía software el botón de aceptar o rechazar llamadas en la ventana que aparece la hora, cuando estas se produjesen.
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Jai S. –
Does not work with screen protectors
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Mohammed ShabazMohammed Shabaz –
Genuine Leather
Original Leather Apple case. Very premium
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